Tuesday 30 October 2012

How Do You Create a Lifestyle of Happiness and Well-Being? by Gena Livings

Tuesday 30 October 2012 0

In order to create a lifestyle of true happiness, balance and well being you first must journey deep down inside yourself. The answer lies deep within where no one else is looking but you. Happiness is not just something that comes to you; it’s something you choose to create for yourself. Waiting for something to happen or change in order to be happy is putting your life on permanent hold. It is not what happens to you that counts but instead how you choose to “react” and “handle” what happens to you that really matters. It’s your attitude of gratitude that sets the foundation for the rest of your life. When you adopt a positive attitude and are grateful for what already “is” then life becomes much more rewarding and fulfilling instead of just something you simply endure.
Positive emotions give you energy and vitality, while negative emotions completely drain and deplete your life force. When you are excited and happy and living life to its fullest, you radiate with energy and enthusiasm. When you are feeling angry, resentful, or negative for any reason, you feel drained, frustrated and eventually burn out and lose all your life energy. Feelings and emotions are very normal and serve various purposes. For example, anger, guilt, bitterness and hopelessness are a sort of internal guidance system. Negative emotions let us know that something in our lives is out of balance. They can provoke us to action, help us make decisions and alert us to emotional needs that are unmet. While emotional variety can spice up your life, remaining stuck in a prolonged negative emotional state is something to be avoided.
Exercise is one way to foster a positive state of mind and is one of the best things you can do to maintain your mental and physical well being. When the body is healthy and full of vitality the mind will follow. If your body doesn’t feel right, you won’t be in the mood to fully enjoy life and be happy. The hormone believed to be responsible for our feelings of happiness is known as an “endorphin.” The more endorphins we have in our bodies and reaching into our brains, the more content and happier we feel. Exercise has been found to raise the level of endorphins in the body and when this reaches the neurons of the brain, we experience a lifting of the happiness and contentment we feel.
Adopting a positive attitude and exercising takes commitment, planning and dedication. Be patient with yourself and follow your plan through. Strive for a regular routine, one that is realistic and manageable.
Don’t worry about being perfect, instead be kind and appreciate yourself for the person you already ARE. But it’s also very important to begin to make your new healthy lifestyle a “habit” of conscious decision and choice. Becoming a more healthy and happy person is the ultimate goal and the path towards a healthy lifestyle. ~Gena
Download your Fr*ee gift online at GenaLivings.com


What's your skin type? by Marissa Acevedo

A good skin-care regimen can make your complexion look radiant, smooth, and clear but before you can pick the right products for your individual needs, it's important to know your skin type.  Your skin type is determined by a combination of genetics and external factors.  You don't have control over your genes, but the good news is that when you treat everything else, it can make a big difference.  Other factors that can affect your skin type: hormonal fluctuations, stress, sun exposure, pollution, drinking, smoking, and medications. Today, I would like to touch on the subject of oily skin, since we are in the middle of summer heat and this can be extra annoying for our oily skin ladies!

Oily skin results when the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, giving skin a shiny appearance.  Sometimes a greasy or sticky feel remains for several hours after cleansing.  It is also characterized by larger pores than other skin types and is more prone to breakouts, clogged pores and blemishes.  Oily skin may tend to wrinkle less readily than drier skin types. The large amount of oil on the skin's surface helps the upper layers retain water and protects the skin from environmental causes of dryness.

It may seem counter-intuitive, but oily skin needs moisturizing, especially if you've been using acne treatments. Most topical acne creams and cleansers contain ingredients that can dry out your skin, which, in turn, can trigger inflammation and cause more breakouts. Your best bet is to use a moisturizer that doesn't contain oil and that's noncomedogenic. It won't clog your pores, and you'll be getting the moisture you need.
 For Oily skin you want a product that will help control surface oiliness, leaving skin feeling smooth and looking radiant.  Deep clean pore openings of impurities and oily buildup.  This will help makeup stay fresher longer.

Love & Belief!!
Marissa Acevedo

Procrastination by Beverly Lewis

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t deal with procrastination in some area of their life. I confess I deal with it in most areas of mine. I’m pretty good at it. Too bad no one needs lessons in how to procrastinate. Fortunately, the victories I have experienced also equip me to combat it more effectively, as it is rarely productive.

This subject is fresh on my mind because I went last week for a medical screening that I had putting off for no less than TEN years! Actually, at some point, I made an intentional decision to schedule the appointment. Then I MADE myself follow through with that. My biggest lesson on the pain of procrastination was learned with my tax returns. I used to always get an extension, but I discovered that it never got easier to do them. It actually became more difficult the longer I waited and the last time I delayed I had to pay some penalties. Now I set a date to get them to my accountant and stick with it.
Here are a few hints that help me get the task at hand checked off so I can move forward:
1. Set a specific deadline for accomplishing the task. Put it in writing.
2. Schedule a time to begin the task. Not complete it… just begin.
3. Schedule it for your high energy time of the day so that you can begin with a good attitude.
4. Write out some affirmations and talk to yourself in an encouraging way about this subject. For example: “I have a great sense of accomplishment as I press through the task of…”
5. Reward yourself in some way, no matter how small, when you act in a timely manner.
Remember, the pain of discipline is short-lived. The pain of regret lingers. ~Beverly Lewis

My goal is to make this encounter a defining moment in your life.  I invite you to explore the possibilities!



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Reciprocity: The One Gift That Keeps On Giving In Life and In Business by De Harris

It came upon me recently to share with you the word 'Reciprocity' and its true meaning and also what it can mean to you in improving your business. The underlying Rule of Reciprocity requires an individual to pay back, or return, what another individual has given them, whether it is a physical gift or a service. This rule means that the individual who provides the benefit is ensured of a future benefit from the other individual in return. This is a common rule that most people are brought up with, being taught to give back to people what people give to you. In order to take, you have to be able to give back. This is called reciprocation, as you are essentially reciprocating an action of another person towards you.

Reciprocation is a powerful action which provides for the development of trusting relationships, both personal and business relationships. By reciprocating ones actions towards you and essentially ‘paying them back’ for a service or gift that they have provided you with, you also attain trust from the recipient. This is necessary in any relationship, personal or business, as it allows you to have a deeper relationship with the other person, which is beneficial for you both.  This also builds confidence within the relationship, as you can rely on the other to always reciprocate your actions and know that your actions are never taken for granted and that they will always be repaid.
However, it does take time to build such a level of trusting reciprocity. First of all, you must put your trust in somebody to allow them to reciprocate an action back to you. This is a very powerful action and can be a decider on the future of a relationship. It provides the basis of trust and provides strength in any relationship, be it personal or business. If reciprocity is not upheld by the recipient, this can be a deal-breaker for future encounters.
As one person in the relationship may eventually end up reciprocating by providing a benefit that is greater than the one received, this can cause tension as the individual may feel as if they have been short handed and feel ripped off. It is important to avoid this type of situation at all costs, as this negatively affects the relationship and may affect future reciprocal actions. Therefore, it is best to discuss this when it occurs, or before it occurs if possible. By doing this, and deciding what each has to offer one another, you can come to a win-win solution. This great example of communication also serves to positively affect the trust and communication within the relationship, to build a stronger, more beneficial relationship for all.
As a business women, it is important to always uphold the Rule of Reciprocity and to treat it with much respect. Trusting relationships are important for building long lasting relationships with others, and this can have either a positive or negative effect on your career, depending whether you choose to uphold the action of reciprocity or not. Be the one who always takes the lead in doing right instead of focusing on being right. You will find that the action of reciprocity always works in your favor. The good will generated are the building blocks that allow for mutually satisfying relationships that form a great foundation  in your life and in business. Reciprocity is the highest form of humanity. Take a leap for you will gain the most in the end. Remember, a happy life equals a happy business!

 ~ De Harris
 WOW Network President/Founder
Email: DeHarris@WOWNetworkAlliance.com
De Harris is an Alliance Business Professional with over 17 years of expertise as a manager, business owner, and personal & business development coach. She is passionately dedicated to keeping the web challenged expert in the know by offering solid networking connections and support through educational opportunities from experts located around the world. Make sure Follow De and download your FREE GIFT HERE

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The Networking University is simply a GREAT place for you to also sharpen your networking skills. Check it out!!

Email: DeHarris@WOWNetworkAlliance.com

Network With Your Target Market by Biba Pedron, WOW JV Partner

Before anything else in your business, you need to know who is your target market if you want to attract clients. Fish where the fish are, will save you time and money and will maximize you networking results.
One of the biggest misconceptions that solo-entrepreneurs have is that theyexpect to sell to everyone and anyone.This misconception creates a huge problem across the board. At networking events when I ask "Who is your target market?" to understand better how I can help someone, a lot of people answer "everybody, really, my products/services can serve everybody".
Each time I hear this answer I tend to lose interest in the conversation because I know that those people have no clue on how to market their business. You are setting yourself up for major disappointment if you expect to make money employing this way. Attending networking events, talking to everyone about your services no matter what their needs, is not going to provide you with results. And frankly, I’m tired of hearing that sheep.
The very first step when you start a business is to determine your niche and target market. You build your list based on people, businesses who have use for your products. You are not going to convince anyone who has no need for your product to become a client.Unfortunately, too many people continue to get frustrated, not knowing why their business is failing; because heck, they have a huge list, they include everyone, there must be someone out there who wants their product! If you try to sell to anyone and everyone you’re just letting go of a balloon into the air expecting that someone will catch it, but up it goes and eventually disappears into the sky. When it lands it’s deflated and out of air. You’re suffocating your business!
Know your target market. Create your marketing tools, websites, business cards, flyers, postcards, articles, blogs, newsletters, etc, directed at your target market’s interests. When your contacts see your materials, they will know you took the time to make something for them, something that will solve their problems; and you will become the person they look to for guidance when they need it most. You become The Solution.
Recently someone contacted me via a LinkedIn message with the title "We need your help!". After exchanging a couple of introductory emails he explained his company’s problems. When I asked him what motivated him to pick up the phone when I rang his answer was "I saw various of your post on Linkedin, read some of your articles online, checked your blog, and you definitely seem to know what you are talking about regarding a business through networking, and that is exactly what we need right now."
All of my material, articles, tweets or blog posts, are about networking. I explain what issues my target market has and how my knowledge and expertise can solve them. When people see the consistency of my marketing tools they come looking for me; I don’t have to go looking for clients. Create your marketing materials, your solutions, your pitch at your prospective client base and they will recognize themselves and decide to work with you and nobody else.
Build your business around your target market will help you attract a lot more clients in a record time.

Best Regards,  

Biba Pedron

To Get More Clients, Make More Money,
& Get a Lot of More Time for Yourself,
Download my 3 Gifts @ www.TheConnectionQueen.com

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Stop wasting your time attending every event and start growing your business with networking.  © Biba Pedron

Depression Treatments for You by Bonnie Mechelle

Most people feel down from time to time but those feelings tend to come and go with time. According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health), "When a woman has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life and normal functioning, and causes pain for both the woman with the disorder and those who care about her. Depression is a common but serious illness, and most who have it need treatment to get better." For those who struggle with depression, but would rather try natural depression remedies rather than take traditional, depression medications there are several holistic treatments they can try.
Cut back or eliminate the sugars, alcohol, caffeine in your diet and focus more on consuming more healthy, plant-based foods, lean proteins and drinking a lot of clean water throughout the day.
Increase your intake of the following nutrients, which have been shown to improve depression symptoms:
  •             Omega 3
  •             B Vitamins
  •             Chromium
  •             Vitamin D
The Mayo Clinic has this to say about how exercise can help ease depression:
"Exercise probably helps ease depression in a number of ways, which may include:
Releasing feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression (neurotransmitters and endorphins)
Reducing immune system chemicals that can worsen depression
Increasing body temperature, which may have calming effects."
Yoga, which helps to ease the body’s stress response, calm the mind and soothe the spirit can be a great natural depression remedy for women.
Developing a consistent meditation practice can help ease depression symptoms. There are many different styles of meditation, but the common denominator is the practice of quieting the mind, focusing on the breath to bring about a sense of peace.
Acupuncture, which is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine, uses hair thin needles along the body's energy meridians to find the root cause of disease in the body. TCM believes that disease represents an internal imbalance, which is resolved by the use of the acupuncture, which is a natural, holistic remedy that carries no side effects.
Sleep habits

Getting adequate sleep is essential to your overall health. Those who do not get enough sleep can develop depression and become at risk for several other diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and some forms of cancer. Establishing good, consistent sleep habits can help ease depression naturally.
Herbal supplements

For mild, occasional depression these supplements have been tested and proven to treat depression for some women:
  • Folic acid
  • Saffron
  • SAMe
  • St. John's wort
  • Tryptophan
We’ve listed several natural depression remedies for women, but unfortunately, when you are feeling depressed you often lack the basic motivation it takes to do the things mentioned in this article. That’s why the best thing you can do if you are prone to bouts of feeling blue or depressed is to work with your doctor to make sure that you do not have any other underlying health problems. If you want to go the holistic route and avoid traditional depression drugs, work with a health coach or a nutritionist to help you design a healthy eating and exercise plan.
For more information about holistic depression treatments for women, Christian health and weight loss coaching support, visit, http://www.victorysteps.net/ today where you will discover how to get victory over depression, stress, low self-esteem and achieve healthy weight loss with loving support from Coach Bonnie Mechelle.

Dream big it's free,

U.S. home prices hit new lows overall. Now is a good time... by Marvin Appel, Signalert President

Standard and Poors released its latest update on home price movements across the U.S. this week.  The CaseShiller 10-city home price composite index hit its lowest level since 2003.  This brings overall American house prices down to levels that are starting to look like good values for a number of reasons.
First, mortgage interest rates are at record lows.  That means that the cost of a mortgage payment has fallen even further from the peak than has the actual purchase price of a house.  Based on 30-year mortgage rates, now under 4%, the cost of a monthly mortgage payment is lower than at any time since mid-1999 (principal and interest only, not counting insurance or property taxes).
Since the start of the Case-Shiller data in January 1987, home prices have still increased faster than inflation and than the increase in the price of rent.  However, the decline in home prices has brought the cost of owning versus renting closer to the relationship that existed between them in 1987.
The real bargain in housing is for those who can obtain a significant mortgage because mortgage payments are at record lows relative to rents.  Every local market, indeed every property, has its own fair value.  These nationwide data suggest, however, that there are abundant housing bargains available for those who can get the financing.
What about paying in cash?  The problem is that if interest rates rise, something that the Federal Reserve has promised us it will try to avoid until late 2014, house prices could come under renewed pressure as mortgage payments rise with interest rates.  If you finance your purchase with a fixed-rate, long term mortgage, you are effectively taking a short position in bonds.  In that case, a rise in interest rates benefits you as a fixed-rate borrower, offsetting to some extent the risks to the value of your house.

Chairman, Gerald Appel has been directing the management of Investor assets for more than thirty-five years, during which time he has authored or co-authored more than fifteen books relating to investment strategies as well as numerous articles that have appeared in publications such as Barron’s Financial Weekly, Stocks & Commodities and Money Magazine. Mr. Appel’s books have been translated into five languages; two have received the coveted “Book of the Year Award” from Yale Hirsch’s annual publication, “The Stock Trader’s Almanac.” Mr. Appel has appeared ... --more--> 
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